Children's Ministries

The goal of our Children's ministry is to help children to understand the Gospel and be saved, and to teach the children the Bible: its storyline, its teaching on God, Christian living, and the Christian worldview.

Sunday Mornings

Sunday School

On Sunday mornings children at Living Hope are taught using a Christ-centered, Chronological Bible Study called the Gospel Project.


We have a nursery and nursery workers available on Sunday mornings and at most of our other services as well.

Children's Church

Children up to the 2nd grade are invited to participate in Children's Church during worship on Sunday Mornings. 


Wednesdays at 5:45-7:15pm

Eagle Way Campus


Awana is a gospel-based program for children 5 years-5th grade and will be offered on Wednesday evenings, starting August 9, 2023, through the school year at Living Hope Baptist Church Eagle Way Campus. The children learn about the Gospel through Scripture memory, missions, fellowship and fun.

Be diligent to present yourself to God as approved, a worker who doesn't need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth. (2 Tim 2: 15 ESV)