Global Outreach

Living Hope Baptist Church's mission is the Great Commission. Our church reaches out to the world beyond our community through missions and partnerships in multiple locations worldwide. Here you'll find some more information on how we do this.

Living Hope In

Coivaras, Brazil

Living HOpe congregation in Coivaras, Brazil

Since 2017, Living Hope has been sending members on on mission trips to Brazil. These trips are focused on visiting a small town called Coivaras in the state of Piaui. It’s an extremely poor area where Jesus has not been shared and Bibles are scarce. It’s been our honor to witness to this community in various ways.
While in Brazil, we have nightly services in different community settings, provide Bible Schools for children, make door-to-door visits sharing the gospel of Christ, and work with Pastor Jardel and his wife Regis to visit members and prospective members to help build the church. Our church members sing or give testimonies and Bro. Darrell preaches sermons (with a translator) in hopes that what we share will lead someone to Christ.
Our church has also given monetary donations to help provide homes with Portuguese Bibles or Portuguese bookmarks and to help acquire land and build a building in which they are now worshiping! They decided to name their new church Living Hope Baptist Church of Coivaras after our church here.

Our Mission in


Living Hope serving in Oklahoma

Living Hope along with other partners (HCA and Gracey West Union this past year) host a summer day camp at Camp Crossway in Blackburn, OK similar to VBS for ages Kindergarten through 5th grade. We have Bible study, crafts, music and recreation. We take a kitchen crew to help feed around 75-85 campers each day a light breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack before busing the children back home. Children are bused in from 3 surrounding towns as far as 45 minutes from Camp Crossway. 
We serve many Otoe and Pawnee Native American children along with several local children from the area. Our team also works on projects for the camp. Some youth from our group helped to build a pavilion and deck on our 2022 trip. Living Hope and our partners fund all expenses for the week long camp. Our mission in Oklahoma is to develop caring relationships with the children and show them the love of Christ and teach them the gospel.

Streams International

Five children served by Streams International

Streams International is a ministry that is based out of Cairo Egypt. This is a well established ministry that has been doing work in several countries in Africa and in the Middle East for over three decades. The goal of the ministry is to recruit, train, and send young men to plant churches in the African and Middle Eastern regions. In addition to sending out church planters, the ministry also runs an orphanage in South Sudan. 

As of 2023, Living Hope Baptist Church will be financially supporting this ministry and in August of 2023, LHBC hopes to send a small team to Africa to help in the training and teaching of pastors and church planters. 

PRoviding SUPPORT to Churches

Around the World

Living Hope Baptist Church desires to participate in the great commission in as many ways as possible. One way is to send the gospel to the nations. This is done both by financially supporting missionaries as well as short term missionary trips as we have opportunity. Recipients of financial support currently include five pastors in India, a pastor in Uganda, Streams International in Cairo, Egypt, and Chris Turpin at Willowbrook Church in Staten Island, N.Y.